Individuals & Families

Investment Services | Retirement Planning Strategies | Trust & Estate Planning Strategies | Tax Planning Strategies | College Planning | Life Insurance and Disability Insurance | Health Insurance | Long Term Care Insurance | Mortgage Protection | Transition Planning

Investment Services

We recognize the commitment and responsibility we undertake when we provide investment advice. That's why we listen closely to your needs and concerns, and deliver high-quality investment services that correspond to your unique objectives. A wide range of investment objectives can be pursued through the use of a variety of mutual funds and asset allocation services.

Working with Kingsview Wealth Managers, an independent fiduciary advisory firm, we understand the value of a comprehensive financial solution.   As an independent fiduciary advisor, Kingsview Wealth Managers adhere to the fiduciary oath, which places the client’s interests above all else.  

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Retirement Planning Strategies

People are living longer and retiring earlier. You may wind up spending as much as a third of your life in retirement with time and money to do whatever you want, your retirement years can be the best years of your life.

The sooner you start planning for retirement, the easier it will be to meet your financial and non-financial goals.

We can help you realistically assess your situation, identify potential problems and recommend planning strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Our process includes data gathering and analysis, planning strategies, specific recommendations, implementation and ongoing counseling.

Our goal is your financial independence.

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Trust & Estate Planning Strategies

We represent several trust companies, including ROYAL BANK OF CANADA of Wilmington, Delaware. Trusts can be ideal for keeping assets out of probate and for reducing estate and income taxes. They can be used to transfer assets for the protection of your heirs, to avoid taxation of life insurance proceeds in your estate and to keep your assets intact while paying income to someone you designate. Through the use of various trusts and other planning techniques, we can help you protect what you've worked a lifetime to build, and make sure that your assets are distributed as you want them to be.

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Tax Planning Strategies

It isn't only what you earn.

It's what you keep that counts.

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College Planning

College costs have been going up. This makes it imperative to put together a realistic financial plan to help meet educational costs regardless of when those costs will occur. We have been through this process, ourselves. Let us show you how.

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Life Insurance and Disability Insurance

Life and disability insurance are about risk. Risk is the exposure to the possibility of loss, and it can be assumed, ignored, or transferred to a risk bearer. By asking the right questions and listening to your answers, we are able to recommend, and implement, strategies to help meet your personal and, or, business goals and objectives. Different needs require different types of insurance. Therefore, with life insurance we offer Term Life, Universal Life, Variable Life*, Indexed Life and Whole Life to take advantage of their unique attributes when designing a plan for you. Through our strategic alliances with some of the country's leading disability providers, we can help you design and implement the appropriate disability insurance plan that will help you and your employees replace the flow of income lost due to periods of sickness or following an accident.

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Health Insurance

For those who are not covered under a business plan, we have access to insurance carriers who can provide you with appropriate coverage.

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Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care is a key component to any estate and retirement plan. It is a very popular, tax-deductible corporate fringe benefit and can be tax deductible to individuals as well. We are licensed with a number of leading companies and can help design a plan that is right for you. We can also use sophisticated hybrid policies which combine life protection along with LTC benefits.

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Mortgage Protection

The mortgage is due every month, rain or shine, in sickness and in health. Many homeowners buy life insurance to pay off the mortgage in case of death, but more homes are foreclosed because of disability than death. We can help you select an appropriate program that will help protect against both risks.

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Transition Planning

Inheritors, divorcees, couples making big decisions, entertainers, athletes, widows…each has a unique set of issues and experiences.  We say that change is a gift.  Of course, not every life-changing event is experienced that way, particularly at first.  But when you realize that even the most heartbreaking or traumatic events are followed by an opening and by opportunity and possibility, you see change as a gift.  Financial Transitions Planning is the art and science of helping you unwrap that gift and make the most of it.

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