Retirees & Pre-Retirees

Investment Services | Retirement Planning Strategies | Trust & Estate Planning Strategies | Pension MaximizationLong-Term Care Insurance | IRA Distributions | Charitable Planning | Transition Planning

Investment Services

We recognize the commitment and responsibility undertaken when we provide investment advice. That's why we listen closely to your needs and concerns, and deliver quality investment services that correspond to your unique objectives. A wide range of investment choices are available, including individual managed accounts, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and asset allocation services.

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Retirement Planning Strategies

People are living longer and retiring earlier. You may wind up spending as much as a third of your life in retirement with time and money to do whatever you want, your retirement years can be the best years of your life.

The sooner you start planning for retirement, the easier it will be to meet your financial and non-financial goals.

We can help you realistically assess your situation, identify potential problems and recommend planning strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Our process includes data gathering and analysis, planning strategies, specific recommendations, implementation and ongoing counseling.

Our goal is your financial independence.

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Trust & Estate Planning Strategies

We work with several trust companies. Trusts can be ideal for keeping assets out of probate and for reducing estate and income taxes. They can be used to transfer assets for the protection of your heirs, to avoid taxation of life insurance proceeds in your estate and to keep your assets intact while paying income to someone you designate. Through the use of various trusts and other planning techniques, we can help you protect what you've worked a lifetime to build, and make sure that your assets are distributed as you want them to be.

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Pension Maximization

Just prior to retirement, you are given a number of options regarding your pension payments. Is one way better than the others? Are there other choices that may bring you more income? We can help compare the alternatives so that you can make the appropriate choice for yourself and your family.

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Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care is a key component to any estate and retirement plan. It is a very popular, tax-deductible corporate fringe benefit and can be tax deductible to individuals as well. We are licensed with a number of leading companies and can help design a plan that is right for you. We can also use sophisticated hybrid policies which combine life protection along with LTC benefits.

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IRA Distributions

How you take your IRA distributions could affect you and your family for generations. How you take your IRA distributions could affect you and your family for generations.  Planning to leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren is an important consideration in our planning process. 

Some required minimum distributions can be taken tax free. Let us show you how.

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Charitable Planning

Many of our clients want to make charitable contributions or create a lasting legacy for a charitable, religious, artistic or educational institution. Along with the moral and societal benefits, these also have tax implications. We can show you strategies to help accomplish your aims while reducing your income tax and estate tax burden. Let us help you do well for yourself and your family while doing good for others.

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Transition Planning

Anticipating and ultimately transitioning to retirement can create stress both for the retiree and the family.  As an experienced Financial Transitionist we use our proven process to help you identify and manage your personal expectations as well as those of your spouse/partner and family.

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